Diatomaceous Earth for Insecticides - Udaipur

Friday, 23 June 2023

Item details

City: Udaipur, Rajasthan
Offer type: Offer


Contact name 9414169445
Phone 9414169445

Item description

Diatomaceous Earth For Insecticide is a soft, sedimentary rock composed of the silica shells left behind by diatoms. These microscopic algae flourish in freshwater and marine environments, and over millions of years, their accumulated remains create vast deposits of diatomaceous earth. The rock is mined and finely ground into a powder-like substance with exceptional insecticidal properties. The remarkable effectiveness of diatomaceous earth as an insecticide lies in its physical rather than chemical properties. When insects come into contact with diatomaceous earth, it penetrates their exoskeleton and dehydrates their soft tissues, leading to their ultimate demise. The microscopic particles of diatomaceous earth have sharp edges, resembling broken glass, which lacerate the insects' protective layers and cause them to lose vital moisture. For more information contact us at– +91 941416944
Visit us- httpsseemaminerals.com/diatomaceous-earth-for-insecticides/